Tony Silver

‘Apollo and Artemis’ artwork by Hamilton Gavin exposed at Glasgow Museum Resource Center (GMRC).

Bandcamp (Tony Silver)

Reverbnation (tonysilver2)

Beatstars (tonysilver)

Soundclick (TonySilver)

Airbit (TonySilver)

Soundcloud (tonysilver92)

Spotify (Antonio Silvestro)

BandLab (tonysilver)

Facebook (Tony Silver)

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Education and training

[2018 – Current] Yousician – Certificates of completion.
Music educators designers Leah Harris, James Neilson and Sonja Patrikainen. Classical piano level 5, pop piano level 5, knowledge of guitar level 5, lead guitar level 6, rhythm guitar level 5, knowledge of singing level 1.

[05/06/2009 – 09/12/2009] Bass player for a music show.
High school ‘Filippo Brunelleschi’. Address: Afragola (NA).

[06/06/2009] Bass player for a music show. High school ‘Gian Battista Vico’. Address: Napoli (NA).

[18/04/2009] ‘Feedback’ band performing at ‘Music for Youth – Armonia culture club’. Giuseppe Rocco – Peppe Rock (voice), Vincenzo Falanga – John Rent (drum), Daniel Fiorentino – Jack Daniel (guitar). Address: Frattamaggiore (NA).

[2008] Bass player – Music Festival&Jam session. ‘Officina Sonora’. Address: Grumo Nevano (NA).

[2007] Bass lessons ‘Musical village’ school. Address: Afragola (NA).

[1997 – 2007] Amateur pianist
Private lessons given by Giovanna Vitale and other many teachers. Certificate of merit XXVI Music festival 06/2001 ‘Associazione Gioventù Musicale Afragolese (A.G.M.A.)’ issued by Mrs Carmela Iafaioli.